I also did a couple of the signs a little bit different just because I thought it would make it a little bit more interesting. For instance I wrote have confidence but underneath confidence wrote confidence is key so it has two messages rather than one.
I changed the location form outside of Lobo Village to inside of the Student Union Building (SUB) because I wanted to leave them in a different place that a different part of campus would see. Also, it was freezing when I did this so inside sounded much better than being outside in the cold wind. I saw people in the SUB react to them in positive ways. A couple of them were still up, but they didn't have any additional writing on them this time.
Moving these into the SUB was an interesting choice, because now your positive messages are in contrast to the large number of advertising images. I'm most interested in the ones that are next to a commercial logo, or even the "will return" sign. What if you made specific phrases that go with these signs? It made me think of this: http://understory.ran.org/2012/01/13/bank-of-america-atms-in-san-francisco-turned-into-truth-machines/