Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mountainous Interview

I've decided to do my next project at a completely different location than the first two.  I would like to do it in Tijeras, not the village but the wilderness area.  Tijeras is a beautiful area and a fun place to go to get out of the city.  To find out more about this place I interviewed Shane Wietfeld, an avid "Jeeper" who loves to go off-roading in Tijeras.

Me:  So how did you first hear about Tijeras?

Shane:  Well I was new to Albuquerque and was looking for a place that reminded me of Kodiak.

Me:  So what is it about Tijeras that reminds you of Alaska?

Shane:  It's fun.  I mean it doesn't look anything like Kodiak but it gives me the same feeling.  Like it's in the wilderness.  You can do whatever you want out there.  You forget all the shit you've been worrying about and just drive.

Me:  So do a lot of people go to Tijeras?

Shane:  Not too many that I know of.  Just me and my friends usually.  Every once in a while I see someone else.  It's cool seeing other people that are into the same stuff as you.  It feels like a secret club or something.

Me:  So Tijeras is considered public but do you really think that the public can take full advantage of it?

Shane:  Well it's public if what you drive can make it.  Some of those roads are pretty hardcore.  Sometimes I don't even think my Jeep will make it.  So I guess not all of the public can go there but it would suck if they could.

Me:  What do you mean?

Shane:  Well if everyone could off-road it wouldn't be as fun.  The hardcore trails would get all worn down and wouldn't be hardcore anymore.  And eventually I think people would just destroy the wildlife out there.  And if that started happening Tijeras would get closed down or become private.

Me:  Okay, well since it is still public do you think it would be a good area for a public art project?

Shane:  It could be.  I mean if you don't want tons of people seeing the project.  Also it would need to be something that won't trash the place.  And it seems that a certain kind of person goes out to Tijeras so you'd have to make the project so they like it.  I don't know how into art other off-roading people are.

Me:  So you think the project should made out of something biodegradable?

Shane:  Yeah that'd be cool.  Like a sculpture made with branches or something.

Me:  Do you think that people would even stop to examine or analyze the art?  Would you?

Shane:  They might if it's really interesting.  I think I would.  It'd have to stand out though cuz when I'm driving in Tijeras I kind of zone out.

I think this was a really interesting interview and I would like to interview more people that like to drive in Tijeras.  Or possibly even interview some of the people who live in the village of Tijeras.

I'm still trying to decide if Tijeras is a good place for an art project.  I think if I create the right kind of piece using the right materials it could turn out to be a great project.

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