Monday, February 6, 2012

Creative Action 1: Hanging Vases

These are glass ornament globes that I filled with water and flowers like miniature vases. I hung the ornament globes to a small tree at the duck pond on UNM main campus. Originally I wanted to use lightbulbs, but that process involved more intensive labor and materials that I did not have; however, if I were to do it again, I would like to try using the light bulbs because I like the feeling of the industrial paired with natural. This project was fun to do and I hope many people on campus enjoy it as they pass by. I really the simplicity of this project and the way it looks so unnatural to have vases hanging from a tree. It's as if I attempted to foreshadow the beautiful spring flowers that will appear in a few months by  adding life and color to the somewhat dead wintery tree.

1 comment:

  1. Your installation reversed the human desire to capture and own beauty found in nature. Could the same statement be made with decomposable material?

    Look up Eric Cheung and Sean Martindale “Poster Pocket Plants”
