Tuesday, February 7, 2012


For my project I chose to create a number of different, easily-removed stickers and then I put them up across campus. I'm going to show you what the stickers looked like and then show you an image of where they are. Then I'll explain why I chose that image.

First, I put up this sticker, on the first step of a stairwell. Within hours it was ripped off and destroyed.

Next, I put up a small one on a pipe in a basement. I drew this one myself. I wanted to do one that was small, discreet and UNM related. I noticed this one peeling off when I walked past it later. I left it as is. A big part of this creativity, for me, is it’s finite span of existence.
I made two stickers featuring the character ‘V’ from the movie ‘V for Vendetta.’ This character represents revolution, freedom and rebellion against oppressive forces. I wanted to use these images because ‘V’ is a media icon and a popular image for the “Occupy” movements.

I placed one behind a mirror cabinet in a bathroom and the other looks down on people using the stairwell pictured.

I didn’t want to be putting stickers up in places where they would just fall off and become litter so I tried to put them in places where people would definitely see them, pasted up or fallen down, it didn’t matter. For this particular sticker, I wanted a more personal experience for the lucky finder. I hid it inside a Daily Lobo. When I was photographing it the wind blew it off the box and gave me this great photo.


I drew this crazy monkey one myself. I wanted a sticker that was a little shocking, kind of gross and at the same time appealing in a gritty cartoon kind of way. I put it up in a parking garage so everyone passing by would catch a glimpse of this gruesome grimace.

This sticker is perhaps the most controversial. Organized religion is little more than a corporate franchise that wears a mask of faith or spiritual guidance. I find the genuine teachings of Jesus Christ to be invaluable but these days he’s little more than a mascot. I put him over a light, to give Him that fluorescent glow He's adopted in out times.
There are two more stickers out there that I posted. Unfortunately I am unable to provide pictures of where they are located. However, they’re out there and perhaps you may see them before they waste away. Also, I'm short on time and the other picture is the wrong format. Here's one. I'll take photos of their locations and update my blog within the week!

1 comment:

  1. The strength of your project was the clever choice of placement. But, like the Occupy movement, it could be criticized for not having a clear message. Can location itself become a political statement, without doing damage to property?

    Art of the Occupy Movement
